The Horror Haven Film Expo, presented by a dedicated team with an unbridled passion for horror cinema, proudly announces its inaugural online event. This immersive experience, hosted quarterly, serves as a dynamic platform where filmmakers receive swift recognition for their exceptional contributions to the genre.
The Horror Haven Film Expo transcends the ordinary; it’s a commitment to celebrating the diversity and creativity within the horror genre. Our inaugural online event, hosted at, is a testament to our dedication to filmmakers and the unique visions they bring to the screen.
The Horror Haven Film Expo has redefined the approach to horror recognition by transitioning to a quarterly event. This strategic shift not only lowers submission costs but ensures filmmakers prompt acknowledgment, fostering a dynamic and responsive environment. Visit the official website at to explore submission details and learn more about this revolutionary approach.
Diverse Categories for Outstanding Filmmaking: With a focus on inclusivity and innovation, the expo recognizes outstanding contributions across four categories:
– Best Feature Film
– Best Short Film
– Best Animated Film (up to 85 minutes)
– Best Score
In-Person Festival Extravaganza: As an annual highlight, the expo hosts an in-person event dedicated to showcasing winning short films from throughout the year. Quarterly winners secure a slot for screening to an audience of up to 300 people. The top three feature films, chosen by our esteemed panel of six judges, receive special recognition.
Embrace the Horror, Join the Excitement: Filmmakers and horror enthusiasts are invited to embrace the horror and be part of the excitement at the Horror Haven Film Expo.
For more information, please visit the official website at
Connect with Horror Haven Film Expo:
Media ContactCompany Name: Shane Taraschke Contact Person: Festival DirectorEmail: Send EmailCountry: United StatesWebsite: